# $Id$ # Monitoring for use of cleartext passwords. #@load ftp @load login #@load pop3 #@load irc const passwd_file = open_log_file("passwords") &redef; global known_pass = { [,"23/tcp","blah","blahpass"], [,"23/tcp","blah2","blahpass2"] } # ftp, login and pop3 call login_{success,failure}, which in turn # calls account_tried(), so we can snarf all at once here: event account_tried(c: connection, user: string, passwd: string) { local dest_ip = c$id$resp_h; local dest_port = c$id$resp_p; if ( [dest_ip,dest_port,user,passwd !in known_pass) { print passwd_file, fmt("%s account name '%s', password '%s': %s", is_local_addr(c$id$orig_h) ? "local" : "remote", user, passwd, id_string(c$id)); } } # IRC raises a different event on login, so we hook into it here: event irc_join_message(c: connection, info_list: irc_join_list) { for ( l in info_list) { print passwd_file, fmt("IRC JOIN name '%s', password '%s'", l$nick, l$password); } } # Raised if IRC user tries to become operator: event irc_oper_message(c: connection, user: string, password: string) { print passwd_file, fmt("IRC OPER name '%s', password '%s'", user, password); }