About Bro's manual

I have a question about manual.

edit (s: string, edit_char: string): string
Returns a version of s assuming that edit_char is the ``backspace'' character (usually "\x08" for backspace or "\x7f" for DEL). For example, edit("hello there", "e") returns "llo t".
                     ~~~~~~~~~~Should this be "hllo th"?

Thanks Have a nice day!

edit (s: string, edit_char: string): string
Returns a version of s assuming that edit_char is the ``backspace''
character (usually "\x08" for backspace or "\x7f" for DEL). For example,
edit("hello there", "e") returns "llo t".
                     ~~~~~~~~~~Should this be "hllo th"?


I think the manual is right. Just try to type "hello there" on your
keyboard, but instead of typing 'e', type backspace instead for each
'e'. And see what you get. :slight_smile:
