Add a new protocol


I need to detect protocols which are not support in bro yet, so I am considering adding them into Bro.
However I am stuck at the beginning, I can't found where or how are declared all files.h into CMake (so compile with my news files fails because .o aren't generated).

Also, if you have some good articles or advices which could help me in adding protocols, it would be nice.
Thanks for your help.



However I am stuck at the beginning, I can't found where or how are
declared all files.h into CMake (so compile with my news files fails
because .o aren't generated).

Adding source code files to the "bro_SRCS" list in src/CMakeLists.txt is typically the right place.

Also, if you have some good articles or advices which could help me in
adding protocols, it would be nice.

The docs at [1] and [2] may be helpful.

