Good Morning,
I am having trouble finding a way to add mac addresses to my modbus logs.
I saw many posts talking about it and I tried the @load /policy/protocols/conn/mac-logging directive to my local.zeek file which successfully creates a conn.log file with the mac addresses of my network.
I tried to retrieve these data in my custom logs by adding new fields in my record :
@load base/protocols/conn
@load base/protocols/modbus
module Modbus_Extended;
export {
redef enum Log::ID += {LOG_DETAILED};
##################################### Modbus Detailed Log ######################################
type Modbus_Detailed: record {
ts_request : time &log; # Timestamp of event
ts_last_response : time &log &optional;
min_response_time : interval &log &optional;
average_response_time : interval &log &optional;
max_response_time : interval &log &optional;
response_count : count &log &optional;
tid : count &log; # Zeek unique ID for connection
orig_l2_addr : string &log &optional;
dst_l2_addr : string &log &optional;
id : conn_id &log; # Zeek connection struct (addresses and ports_request)
conn : connection &log &optional;
uid : string &log &optional; # Zeek connection struct (addresses and ports_request)
unit_id : count &log; # Modbus unit-id
func : string &log &optional; # Modbus Function
network_direction : string &log &optional; # Message direction (request or response)
no_response : string &log &optional;
address : count &log &optional; # Starting address for value(s) field
quantity : count &log &optional; # Number of addresses/values read or written to
values : string &log &optional; # Coils, discrete_inputs_request, or registers read/written to
global log_modbus_detailed: event(rec: Modbus_Detailed);
And then retrieving the addresses in an event with this condition :
global function_ids: table[string, string] of Modbus_Detailed;
function_ids[c$uid, c$modbus$func]$orig_l2_addr = c$conn$orig_l2_addr;
But it doesn’t work. And I can not use DHCP logs since my network has static ip addresses.
Do you have any idea how I should proceed ?
Thank you for your help.