ASK THE ZEEKSPERTS - January Webinars

Hi all,

Below are the dates and registration links for the January 2020 ASK THE ZEEKSPERTS (ATZ) Webinars.

We’ve updated the times to 12:30pm PST/3:30pm ET for future webinars. Hopefully this will allow more people to participate.

I’ll also be sending out calendar invites the mailing list as well.

===What is an ASK THE ZEEKSPERTS webinar?===

This is a bi-monthly call for the Zeek (formerly Bro) community to interface directly with leading contributors to the open-source project and ask questions live to better understand, expand or troubleshoot deployments of the network security monitoring software.

The webinars are free to attend, but registration is required

===How do I REGISTER for the Webinar?===

Click the links below and fill out the registration form.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Hi all,

Updated the links. Everyone on the list should have also gotten a calendar invite.
