So one thing is that I'm not sure the &length attribute transfers over
to the NewFrame() call, don't know the internals there. Second, the
&restofdata should already tell BinPAC++ that you want all the
remaining data; do you find that a &length is needed in addition? (As
usual, I'm arguing from the perspective here how I believe that binpac
*should* work; that doesn't always match what it actually
does/requires ..).
type req = record{
header : uint8;
data : bytestring &restofdata;
&length = -1 ;
So one thing is that I’m not sure the &length attribute transfers over
to the NewFrame() call, don’t know the internals there. Second, the
&restofdata should already tell BinPAC++ that you want all the
remaining data; do you find that a &length is needed in addition? (As
usual, I’m arguing from the perspective here how I believe that binpac should work; that doesn’t always match what it actually
does/requires …).
Unfortunately, yes, you needed the &length field. Otherwise: