Scratch that.. the deprecation refers to something else, they are still used here:
work_stealing::worker_data::worker_data(scheduler::abstract_coordinator* p)
: rengine(std::random_device{}()),
// no need to worry about wrap-around; if `p->num_workers() < 2`,
// `uniform` will not be used anyway
uniform(0, p->num_workers() - 2),
{CONFIG("aggressive-poll-attempts", aggressive_poll_attempts), 1,
CONFIG("aggressive-steal-interval", aggressive_steal_interval),
{CONFIG("moderate-poll-attempts", moderate_poll_attempts), 1,
CONFIG("moderate-steal-interval", moderate_steal_interval),
CONFIG("moderate-sleep-duration", moderate_sleep_duration)},
{1, 0, CONFIG("relaxed-steal-interval", relaxed_steal_interval),
CONFIG("relaxed-sleep-duration", relaxed_sleep_duration)}}} {
// nop
So that strategies is an array of structs of [attempts, step size, steel interval, sleep interval]
so as I understand it, the current default is
5 polls, 1 step, interval 4, 0 sleep
5 polls, 1 step, interval 2, 16msec sleep
1 poll, 0 step, interval 1, 64msec sleep
Which means if a thread has no work to do it will loop for 5 times with no sleep, then 5 more times with 16msec sleep, then once with 64ms sleep.
This doesn't seem that bad.. worse case is 11 attempts every 149ms or ~70/second.
I went as far as trying
redef Broker::aggressive_polls = 1;
redef Broker::moderate_polls = 1;
redef Broker::moderate_sleep = 100msec;
redef Broker::relaxed_sleep = 200msec;
but that didn't make a noticeable change, so the scheduler may not be the problem. Will have to do some more testing.