Bro Blog: Contributing to the Bro Project

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Recently we have had a number of community members ask us for suggestions for contributing back to the Bro Project. We have updated theCommunity page on our website to reflect the new options available.

#### Custom Scripts and/or PluginsWe encourage Bro users to make their custom scripts and/or plugins available to the community by creating a package and submitting it to the Bro Package Source. See the README file of that GitHub repo for more instructions on how to create a package and submit it. Once your package is accepted, it becomes installable via the Bro Package Manager.

Patches and New FunctionalityFor working on the Bro codebase itself, work from our official GitHub mirrors or clone the master repositories directly fromgit:// See our contribution guidelines for more information.

Writing DocumentationWe are grateful for any corrections or contributions to documentation. Send documentation to or submit a ticket to our issue tracker.

Provide community supportRespond to user questions on the Mailing List, Twitter, IRC, and Gitter.

Financial SupportBecome a Bro Future Fund sponsor, make an individual donation, or sponsor Bro events like BroCon.