[Bro-Commits] [git/bro] master: First commit of notice framework docs. (88e988f)

   First commit of notice framework docs.

This currently causes a bunch of errors in generating the www docs (I think it ultimately still updates things, though) because the :bro:enum:, :bro:id:, etc. reST roles are only defined in the Broxygen-sphinx setup. One option would be to move static documentation under the sphinx source dir so that you can easily link to the Bro API docs. Another option could be just to do that later and remove those roles from the notice documentation for now.

- Jon

Ah, didn't think about that. Yes, moving under the Sphinx source would
be good eventually. Let's do that when we have better integrated the
Sphinx pages with how the rest of the web docs (which I started at
some point already, but never got very far with it).
