1) We used to run wots/swatch on bro logs periodically which checks for
alert patterns and send an us an email for that particular bro alert
with content being the alert line from bro logs.Is there a better way to do this with bro ?
With the latest release there are two new notice actions, NOTICE_EMAIL and
NOTICE_PAGE, which you can use for this.
[ I do see policy/notice.bro has some email parameters settings but does
not seems to be working ]
Can you provide an example that demonstrates it's not working?
2) Our site has no cleartext password policy. I do not see passwords.bro
policy [ as suggested by the documentation ] with the default
installation policy files. It there such a policy available ?
Oops, it got left out inadvertently, as did rsh.bro. I'll send them
along in the next two messages so folks can play with them prior to
the next release.
3) The latest version seems to be failing when I am putting snort
signatures on machine.site.bro in site/ folder.
I see that you've since figured this out. A significant change with
the 0.9a8 release was that signatures are now turned off by default.