Bro Exchange registration form posted

The registration form for the Bro Exchange has been posted and can be found here:

I hope to see you all there!


As far as operation use goes for presentations; this one would be
interesting to hear about:


The registration form says Tuesday the 7th but doesn't mention the following day. Is the exchange still two days?

Nice article. I'd love to hear about that if someone from NERSC can attend.

Yes, I just chatted with the person that set it up and it sounds very likely that he will be there and presenting.


As far as operation use goes for presentations; this one would be
interesting to hear about:

I'll let someone from NERSC answer definitively, but I believe this was
in fact pretty much a non-event.



I hope you're going to throw your hat into the ring (again).


@Vern Just showing off the development and deployment of the
monitoring would be plenty cool enough for me. I'm interested in how
the heuristics were developed and tuned, and what the challenges were
along the way. My hunch is that there are a lot of lessons learned
there that could be extended to covering more typical scenarios like
Active Directory abuse.

@Liam I really hope I can finagle some way to get out there, but it'll
have to be on my own dime. I'm clinging to the hope that I can make
it into a family vacation. Maybe there could be a "Monitoring Elmo's
World" track for the little one and a "Auditing Pinterest Activity
Using Bro" for the Mrs?