Looking to see if anyone has created a script, or if this is an argument to process multiple PCAPS using the bro -r argument.
I have it setup to output to JSON currently and change from EPOCH time to normal date/time output, but that is one at a time, and will have multiple.
Looking at either a batch script of maybe python but wanted to see if anyone has done this bfore.
(Reingest multiple old PCAP files) to get re-ingested.
for f in glob.glob("*.pcap"):
cmd.extend(["-r", f])
will work to a point. Eventually you will hit ARG_MAX with enough
files. but for a few dozen this works fine. For more, something like https://github.com/assafmo/joincap could be better.
I guess I should add that I am needing to break out the logs (either by PCAP or by say day) not sure what is the easiest.
Thanks everyone so far.
Still working out the kinks i guess.
New to this.