Broadcast detection

Hi all,
i want to flag if a given ip is an ip broadcast/multicast or not:
there are some built-in functions able to recognize an ip broadcast in

This sounds like something the Hosts module in scriptland does. If not, you could define subnets of multicast/broadcast addresses in a script and check on new_connection if id.orig_h or id.resp_h is in those subnets.


One way would be to check the packet destination against the IP multicast range:

global mcast =;
global bcast =;
event new_packet(c:connection,p:pkt_hdr) {
    if (c$id$resp_h in mcast || c$id$resp_h == bcast)
        print "mutlicast or broadcast found";

You wouldn't want to use the new_packet event of course.

thanks for your reply.
What i'm trying to do is to create a flag if an ip broadcast is found.
For example, in networks.cfg i've written this subnet
It's broadcast address is
I can read all subnets written in networks.cfg with the variable
Site::local_nets_table: to calculate the ip broadcast i can use this
What i'm not able to do is to transform a subnet variable (in this
case into an ip variable ( plus a count
Any suggestion?

Oh I see what you’re saying. What you’d like is a function that takes a subnet as input and returns the broadcast address, correct?


Any suggestion?

The following code feels like it should work, but the last print statement breaks it.

local my_subnet: subnet =;
print fmt("%s", my_subnet);
print fmt("%s", |my_subnet|);
print fmt("%s", my_subnet[ |my_subnet| ]);

I don’t believe there is currently a built in way to do what you want. Is there a way to convert a subnet to a vector of addr?


I’m looking to write a bif which does this. How can I access a subnet’s prefix as an int? Here’s what I have so far.

function get_broadcast%(snet: subnet%): addr
return new AddrVal( snet->Prefix() + (snet->Width() - 1) );


snet->Prefix() yields an IPAddr. You don't easily get that as an int,
but it has a method for getting it as a sequence of bytes:

    int GetBytes(const uint32_t** bytes)

That works for both IPv4 and v6.

That said, I think you can solve this more easily by combining some
other methods that IPAddr offers as well:

         * Masks out lower bits of the address.
        void Mask(int top_bits_to_keep);

         * Masks out top bits of the address.
        void ReverseMask(int top_bits_to_chop);

         * Bitwise OR operator returns the IP address resulting from the bitwise
         * OR operation on the raw bytes of this address with another.
       IPAddr operator|(const IPAddr& other)

You'd mask out the lower bits of the prefix, mask out the upper bits
of (for IPv4), and then "or" the two together.


I believe I have some logic that solves this. I created an xor (^)
operator for IPAddr types similar to the inclusive or (|) and am
making use of it to calculate the broadcast address of a subnet. My
BiF follows:

function subnet_end%(snet: subnet%): addr
        IPAddr broadcast;

        if (snet->Prefix().GetFamily() == IPv4) //ipv4
                broadcast = (IPAddr(string("")) ^
snet->Mask()) | snet->Prefix();
        else if (snet->Prefix().GetFamily() == IPv6) //ipv6
                broadcast =
(IPAddr(string("ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff")) ^
snet->Mask()) | snet->Prefix();
                reporter->InternalError("Unsupported address size. Not
IPv4 or IPv6.");

        return new AddrVal(broadcast);

When calling this from scriptland, v6 addresses work properly.
However, v4 addresses are represented as v6 addresses still. I am
missing some concept around how IPAddrs can be either v4 or v6 and how
scriptland knows the difference. How might I properly indicate the
IPAddr in the returned AddrVal is meant to represent a v4 address
instead of a v6 address?


Here is a simpler implementation of this function (no other
changes to Bro are needed):

function subnet_end%(s: subnet%): addr
     IPAddr mask;
     int offset = 0;

     if ( s->Prefix().GetFamily() == IPv4 )
         mask = IPAddr("");
         offset = 96;
         mask = IPAddr("ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff");

     mask.ReverseMask(offset + s->Width());

     return new AddrVal(mask | s->Prefix());

That’s much cleaner and doesn’t have the v4/v6 issue I introduced. Thanks Daniel. I understand now why Robin suggested using those methods.