I have a short bro script that I wrote that hooks the DNS log
Each time a DNS::log_dns event fires, if a specific IP is in
rec$answers, the script prints out rec$ts, rec$uid, rec$id$orig_h, and
I want the entries from the script to go to their own log, though. I
am struggling to figure out how to make that work. Based on the
documentation for logging, it looks like I'd need to define a new
Stream to create a new log file.
Here's my original script that hooks the DNS logs:
event DNS::log_dns(rec: DNS::Info)
for( i in rec$answers )
if( "" in rec$answers[i] )
print fmt("%s %s %s %s", rec$ts, rec$uid,
rec$id$orig_h, rec$query);
To make this go to its own log, I tried this:
module Foo;
export {
# Create an ID for the our new stream. By convention, this is
# called "LOG".
redef enum Log::ID += { LOG };
# Define the fields. By convention, the type is called "Info".
type Info: record {
ts: time &log;
uid: string &log;
orig_ip: string &log;
query: string &log;
# Define a hook event. By convention, this is called
# "log_<stream>".
global log_foo: event(rec: Info);
redef record rec += {
foo: Info &optional;
# This event should be handled at a higher priority so that when
# users modify your stream later and they do it at priority 0,
# their code runs after this.
event bro_init() &priority=5
# Create the stream. This also adds a default filter automatically.
Log::create_stream(Foo::LOG, [$columns=Info]);
event DNS::log_dns(rec: DNS::Info)
for( i in rec$answers )
if( "" in rec$answers[i] )
local rec: Foo::Info = [ $ts=rec$ts,
$uid=rec$uid, $orig_h=rec$id$orig_h, $query=rec$query];
rec$foo = rec;
Log::write(Foo::LOG, rec);
I get the errors:
error in ./test.bro, line 22: unknown identifier (Foo::rec)
error in ./test.bro, line 35 and ./test.bro, line 39: already defined (Foo::rec)
I am new to writing Bro scripts. Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong?