Creating a module and accessing an event in another script

Please find attached. It complains on the first if statement that auth_success is missing. At line 14 for !rec$auth_success.

alert_ssh_attempt_new.bro (959 Bytes)

The first line should be

if(!rec?$auth_success) {



Hi Justin,

Now it sends the email. But it executes the “if(!rec?$auth_success)” condition and I am getting message “unknown”. Which means auth_success is not found on live traffic, so the error remains I think.

Kind regards,

probably this ?

Hi Justin,

You are a life saver. :slight_smile: That did the trick.

I also have one more question. I been searching online to understand how a function can return a user defined record and have not come across one yet.

function set_session(c: connection, var: string): record
local info: SSH::Info;
return info;
This doesn’t work. Am I on the right path here?

Kind regards,

Hi Justin,

You are a life saver. :slight_smile: That did the trick.

awesome :slight_smile:

I also have one more question. I been searching online to understand how a function can return a user defined record and have not come across one yet.

function set_session(c: connection, var: string): record
local info: SSH::Info;
return info;
This doesn’t work. Am I on the right path here?


function set_session(c: connection, var: string): SSH::Info

should work.