Data anonymization and transformation using Bro


I was reading a paper A High-level Programming Environment for Packet Trace Anonymization and Transformation by Ruoming Pang and Vern Paxson, which talks about anonymizing network data using Bro. It was mentioned that it was developed as an extension to Bro.

Could you please let me know where I can find the source code of the mentioned extension so that I can implement scripts to anonymize network data.

Somdutta Bose

This code was actually pulled out of Bro a long time ago and will not work with the past several versions, including all of those in our git repository.

Maybe send a request to asking for Vern’s attention in the subject as he may have it somewhere along with the appropriate version of Bro.

The code was last part of 1.5.3, but even there it wasn't
straight-forward to use it, and some parts were already broken.

There's something new [1] in the queue that is bringing this
functionality back, but it's not quite ready for prime time yet.


[1] HILTI and Spicy