Deployment of zeek/broker/spicy of a version

I want to understand the deployment of a zeek version.
I normally use few zeek scripts (used binpac internally) and few spicy parser ( includes zeek scripts and custom .hlto file ).
What I do is compile zeek / broker and spicy of the same version and then use the environment. But how to install just zeek binary and broker, spicy environment, where I only install hlto and zeek scripts in the standard required path to make things work. Also in the broker end point , I install broker environment. Is there a way to install package and make it work? What should be the deployment steps for these?


But how to install just zeek binary and broker, spicy environment, …

Our documentation covers how to install Zeek and related tooling.

Is there a way to install package and make it work?

The recommended way to install packages is through the Zeek package manager.