DHCP Analyzer question/issue

I am running Bro 2.4 as part of a recent security-onion installation. I am seeing very few entries in the dhcp.log files. In weird.log, I see tons of entries similar to the below:

binpac exception: out_of_bound: DHCP_Message:file: 236 > 187
binpac exception: out_of_bound: DHCP_Message:giaddr: 28 > 14
binpac exception: out_of_bound: DHCP_Message:chaddr: 44 > 32

binpac exception: out_of_bound: DHCP_Message:sname: 108 > 73

Do I have an configuration issue? Any ideas on what is going on or how to troubleshoot?


If you could capture a small trace reproducing the messages, that
would be helpful.
