Error in TCP data length calculation

Hi all,

I tried to access the field tcp_hdr::dl in one of my bro scripts in
order to obtain the TCP payload length. But all the values calculated by
bro seemed to be way too big.

This is due to a missing ntohs() call on the total length field in the
IP-Header in I attached a patch against bro-1.4 that should
fix the problem.

Best regards,

bropatch.diff (1.03 KB)

Good catch! Can you please file the patch with our tracker
( so that it don't get lost? Thanks!



Robin Sommer wrote:

Good catch! Can you please file the patch with our tracker
( so that it don't get lost? Thanks!

oh, I wasn't aware of that tracker. I created ticket #50 and attached
the patch to it.


It's new. :slight_smile: Thanks!
