I would like for a quick way to simply get the directory size of the extract_files directory. If it meets a certain threshold I don’t want to extract the file. I tried looking for a builtin function that did this but could not locate one. I then attempted to do the following system command:
local somevar = system(fmt(“du -b %s | cut -f1”, FileExtract::prefix))
However, I am unable to capture the output (since it goes directly to stdout). Does anyone have any advice on how to tackle this?
Additionally, I was wondering if Bro is able to identify MIME types of modern Office docuements down to the type of application they support (Excel, Powerpoint, etc)… From my testing, it seems that the only thing one gets is ‘application/zip’ for the MIME type for a modern office document, this is technically correct, but I was hoping for a way to zone in on this a little more by being able to specify ‘application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation’ (if I wanted pptx files). Does Bro MIME detection support this in any way?
Many thanks,