Getting services usage and inactivity over time

I am developing an asset management app, in the backend I am using zeek for passive asset and services discovery.
In my front side I have some dashboards for gathered data to visualize data better for users.
On the frontend I have two visuals with these titles:

  • Inactive services over time (Counting inactive services which were not used in period of time )
  • Services usage frequency (Counting service usage base on request to that specific service )

To filling these visuals I am building a zeek custom script to get neccessary data to feed them since parsing conn.log might be tricky and needs heavier load on my back end.
I have some errors in my script and I am no expert in zeek scripting so any info helps me alot
Here is my zeek script:

@load base/frameworks/cluster

module ServiceMonitor;

export {
    ## Configuration for monitored services
    redef enum Log::ID += { LOG_ServiceMonitor };

    ## Table to hold service usage stats
    global service_usage: table[addr, port] of record(
        connection_count: count,
        last_seen: time
    ) &default=[0, 0 secs];

event zeek_init() {
    # Set up log for tracking
    Log::create_stream(Log::LOG_ServiceMonitor, [$columns=Info, $path="service_monitor"]);

    print "Service Monitor script initialized.";

event connection_established(c: connection) {
    local dst = c$id$resp_h;
    local dport = c$id$resp_p;

    # Only monitor connections to local services
    if (Site::is_local_addr(dst)) {
        # Update the service usage stats
        service_usage[dst, dport]$connection_count += 1;
        service_usage[dst, dport]$last_seen = network_time;

        # Log connection activity
        Log::write(Log::LOG_ServiceMonitor, [$ts=network_time, $src_ip=c$id$orig_h, $dst_ip=dst, $dst_port=dport, $count=service_usage[dst, dport]$connection_count]);

event timer(t: time) {
    # Check for inactive services periodically (e.g., every 60 seconds)
    local threshold = 300 secs; # 5 minutes inactivity threshold

    for (service in service_usage) {
        local last_seen = service_usage[service]$last_seen;
        if (network_time - last_seen > threshold) {
            print fmt("Service %s:%d is inactive for %d seconds", service[0], service[1], network_time - last_seen);

# Periodic execution of timer event
event zeek_done() {
    schedule 60 secs { timer(network_time); };

I tried to check syntax with ‘zeek -C script.zeek’ command and I am getting some errors
Can anyone check and revise my script to help??

Mentioning what kind of errors you were getting would have been useful (syntax errors in the script, or errors at runtime). Looking at your script I suspect syntax errors.

A couple of things:

  • The table .. of record syntax does not exist. You need to declare an explicit record somewhere. To set &default you need to use proper record initialization syntax.
  • LOG_ServiceMonitor does not live in the Log module, but instead the current module; you can directly use it.
  • The Info record is never declared. If you did declare it you cannot name a field count which is a type, not an identifier.
  • network_time is a function not a value, you need to invoke it.
  • Your table iteration for (service in service_usage) { binds the individual values in the table to service, so you cannot use it like you did. I’d suggest you directly get the the keys as well with for ([host, p], service in service_usage) { and rework the indexing into service_usage.
  • schedule expects an expression, not a statement.
  • I am not sure your scheduling approach works like you intended.

If you used a text generator to create parts or all of this code please consider spending some time to understand well-isolated pieces yourself next time. This frees up both you and us from spending time on the wrong problems.