How do I turn the timestamp (ts) field in this example into a standard date format (java or unix dates for example?)
set_separator ,
#empty_field (empty)
#unset_field -
#path conn
#open 2016-04-04-09-00-04
#fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p proto service duration orig_bytes resp_bytes conn_state local_orig local_resp missed_bytes history orig_pkts orig_ip_bytes resp_pkts resp_ip_bytes tunnel_parents
#types time string addr port addr port enum string interval count count string bool bool count string count count count count set[string]
1459774793.429104 CZgDTe31Z6ynNuzgN7 fe80::c874:93f:5b4e:c1e1 64648 ff02::1:3 5355 udp dns 0.412428 44 0 S0 F F 0 D 2 140 0 0 (empty)
1459774793.429113 Ci77TT3Kp4dNmhAYc1 64648 5355 udp dns 0.412434 44 0 S0 F F 0 D 2 100 0 0 (empty)
Dr. Brad J. Cox Cell: 703-594-1883 Skype: dr.brad.cox
Depends on what you’re reading the logs with.
You could use bro-cut with the ‘-d’ flag, to do the conversion for you.
If you just need to do one-off date conversion:
Using GNU date (takes date as is):
$ date --date='@1459774793.429104’
Mon Apr 4 12:59:53 UTC 2016
OSX (wants the date as an integer)
$ foobar=`echo 1459774793.429104 | cut -d. -f1`
$ date -r $foobar
Mon Apr 4 07:59:53 CDT 2016
If you’re snarfing the timestamps into your own code, then it depends on what language/libraries you’re using.
Need to parse dates in java; using this in a spark streaming analytics pipeline.
Dr. Brad J. Cox Cell: 703-594-1883 Skype: dr.brad.cox
Java code would be nice, but a ordinary description of how a decimal date relates to standard dates would do. I'm familiar with Java/Unix conventions where a long integer specifies seconds since the Unix epoch (Jan 1970). But I've tried converting the bro decimal to long and converting that to a date. That gives a date sometime in 1970 which clearly isn't right. And what do the fractional values mean? Milliseconds perhaps?
Dr. Brad J. Cox Cell: 703-594-1883 Skype: dr.brad.cox
The value is the number of seconds since the epoch, including a fractional portion. Your problem with Java dealing with it is likely that Java wants the number of *milliseconds* since the epoch, so you should multiply what Bro gives you by 1000 (and dropping the fractional part) before converting it with whatever Java code you’re working with.
Perfect. Thanks so much!
Dr. Brad J. Cox Cell: 703-594-1883 Skype: dr.brad.cox