http.log need conn.log filed

I need to copy conn record proto field into http.log script running but not htting the case my script

module TrackHTTP;
redef LogAscii::use_json=T;

redef record HTTP::Info += {
proto: transport_proto &optional &log;


event http_reply(c: connection, version: string, code: count, reason: string) &priority= 10

print c$conn$proto;
c$http$proto = c$conn$proto;

for ( id in c$conns ) {

print f$conns;

local c = c$conns[id];

#c$http$proto = c$conn$proto;


event http_message_done(c: connection, is_orig: bool, stat: http_message_stat) &priority = 10

if (c?$http && c?$conn )
print c$conn$proto;
c$http$proto = c$conn$proto;

event http_request(c: connection, method: string, original_URI: string,
unescaped_URI: string, version: string) &priority=10

if (c?$conn)
print c$conn$proto;
c$http$proto = c$conn$proto;

