id into x509.log


I need to write id into x509.log , but its giving error

redef record X509::Info += {

tx_cc: string &log &optional;

#rx_cc: string &log &optional;

#tx_asn: count &log &optional;
#rx_asn: count &log &optional;
id: conn_id &log &optional;
event file_state_remove(f: fa_file) &priority=5
if ( ! f$info?$x509 )

f$info$x509 = f$id;

type clash in assignment (f$info$x509 = f$id)

x509 info record already has an id field:

        ## File id of this certificate.
        id: string &log;

and you're trying to assign the entire record to f$id instead of a particular field.

Maybe you mean something like this:

redef record X509::Info += {
    conn_id: conn_id &log &optional;

event file_state_remove(f: fa_file) &priority=5
    if ( ! f$info?$x509 )

    # Assume this file only has one connection
    for ( id in f$conns )
        local c = f$conns[id];
        f$info$x509$conn_id = c$id;

Ah right, I tested it with print but didn't actually look at the log. It's a problem with the priority, it's using the same event that is used to log the record, so you need to ensure that your file_state_remove event runs first.

I also had the parenthesis slightly wrong (I always screw things up when I try to use the indentation brace style that bro uses)

This definitely works:

event file_state_remove(f: fa_file) &priority=10
    if ( ! f$info?$x509 )

    # Assume this file only has one connection
    for ( id in f$conns ) {
        local c = f$conns[id];
        f$info$x509$conn_id = c$id;