We need a way to load balance network traffic to the different Zeek processes and we found out these 2 solutions (https://github.com/J-Gras/zeek-af_packet-plugin and https://github.com/ntop/bro-pf_ring). It seems that AF packet is easier to use, but PF_RING gives more performance, according to this mail list ( http://mailman.icsi.berkeley.edu/pipermail/zeek/2017-February/011543.html ). The question is, is it worth?
AF packet is quite easy to compile into a .rpm file and even easier to use, but PF_RING seems to be more complicated. In addition, we are using Zeek 3.0.8 and according to PF Ring documentation ( https://www.ntop.org/guides/pf_ring/thirdparty/bro.html ) it seems that it may not work properly in some cases. We just want to know if someone has compared AF Packet vs. PF Ring and what were his conclusions.
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