Is there currently a way to add the `&log` attribute to exported units' fields (as zeek records' fields)?

Currently I get the following error:

error: logged record type does not have any &log attributes

Yes, adding &log attributes is supported but currently not documented.[1]

If you have a Spicy type

module foo;

public type X = unit {
    x: uint8;
    y: uint8;
    z: uint8;

you can create a Zeek record type which has all fields marked &log

module foo;

export {
	type X: record {
		x: count &optional &log;
		y: count &optional &log;
		z: count &optional &log;

with the following export statement in an EVT file:

export foo::X &log;

or equivalent

export foo::X as foo::X &log;

To mark just individual record fields &log add the attribute to the exported field list in an EVT file, e.g., to create a Zeek record type

module foo;

export {
	type X: record {
		x: count &optional &log;
		y: count &optional;
		z: count &optional;

either of these forms can be used:

export foo::X with { x &log, y, z };
export foo::X as foo::X with { x &log, y, z };

  1. I opened this PR to expand the docs. ↩︎

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Great, you’re the man!
It is worth noting that this feature does not exist in the current Zeek LTS version (6.0.3).