logstash rewrite

Federico, I tried as suggested, but then I get this:

(in the message) “path”:"\u005c\u005cgs500s-file\u005caetd-startup"

(in the smb_path in kibana): t smb_path /opt/bro/logs/current/smb_files.log
(in the tags):

bro, bro_smb_files, _geoip_lookup_failure

Here are my mutates:
file { path => [ “/opt/bro/logs/current/smb_files.log” ] close_older => 30 start_position => beginning tags => [ “bro”, “bro_smb_files” ] id => “input_bro_smb_files” } file { path => [ “/opt/bro/logs/current/smb_mapping.log” ] close_older => 30 start_position => beginning tags => [ “bro”, “bro_smb_mapping” ] id => “input_bro_smb_mapping” } } filter { if “bro_smb_files” in [tags] { mutate { rename => { “path” => “smb_path” } id => “normalize_bro_smb” } } if “bro_smb_mapping” in [tags] { mutate { rename => { “path” => “smb_map_path” } id => “normalize_bro_smb” } }