Unclear to me why these are failing?
scripts.base.frameworks.logging.sqlite.wikipedia ... failed
% 'bro -r $TRACES/wikipedia.trace Log::default_writer=Log::WRITER_SQLITE' failed unexpectedly (exit code -10)
% cat .stderr
1300475173.475401 <params>, line 1: packet_filter/Log::WRITER_SQLITE: tablename configuration option not found. Defaulting to path packet_filter
1300475173.475401 <params>, line 1: weird/Log::WRITER_SQLITE: tablename configuration option not found. Defaulting to path weird
1300475173.475401 <params>, line 1: http/Log::WRITER_SQLITE: tablename configuration option not found. Defaulting to path http
1300475173.475401 <params>, line 1: dns/Log::WRITER_SQLITE: tablename configuration option not found. Defaulting to path dns
1300475173.475401 <params>, line 1: conn/Log::WRITER_SQLITE: tablename configuration option not found. Defaulting to path conn
(The messages about Log::WRITER_SQLITE are ok, I'm getting these here
locally as well even with the test passing.)