Multi-dimensional Tables

I've got 2 questions on multi-dimensional tables. For
both of them, I'll try to work with:

global a: table[count] of table[addr] of port;

1) How do I create yields for the overall table, i.e., how
do I create an object of type "table[addr] of port" ?

I want to eventually have:

global a: table[count] of table[addr] of port = {
  [0] = XXX,
  [1] = XXX,

I can predefine all the subtables, and then assing them,
but it doesn't seem too clean.

global a0: table[addr] of port;
global a1: table[addr] of port;
global a: table[count] of table[addr] of port = {
  [0] = a0,
  [1] = a1,

2) When I define attributes for the table, which table is
affected, the total one, or the yield one? In other words,

If I define the original, total table as:

global a: table[count] of table[addr] of port &write_expire= {
  [0] = a0,
  [1] = a1,

and I don't modify any of the values in a0, will the full
a0 table expire, or just the values from a0?
