Bro Users,
I have been trying to have multiple logs in a single sqlite database but I am getting the “the database is locked error”. This problem was previously raised here, I wonder if there has been any solution for it in the Bro 2.5?
You'd need to use postgres instead. SQLite + BRO is good for readonly operations. If you have a lot of reads/writes Postgres works fantastic. It should be fairly straight forward to port your current bro SQLITE policy to use postgres code. I have been using postgres instead as well. Don't use sqlite.
Thanks Aashish,
So you mean the following script,
event bro_init()
local filter: Log::Filter =
$config=table(["tablename"] = "conn"),
Log::add_filter(Conn::LOG, filter);
Would write conn.log to a "postgres" database if we make what changes??
This page should help:
event bro_init()
local filter: Log::Filter =
Log::add_filter(Conn::LOG, filter);
And have you tried multiple tables? And if yes, how to add multiple tables?
You create a new filter for each table.
local conn_filter: LOG::Filter = [ …. ]
local dns_filter: LOG::Filter = [ ….. ]
then set $path and $name for each individual table as you see fit.
If tables don’t exist in postgres, bro creates them for you.
then depending on log stream:
Log::add_filter(Conn::LOG, conn_filter);
Log::add_filter(DNS::LOG, dns_filter);