After doing your NFS.CC fix NFS.bro is going to next steps after that i am getting error
bro-2.5.1/src/analyzer/protocol/rpc/NFS.cc line no 649
: RPC_Analyzer(“RPC”, conn, new NFS_Interp(this)) to : RPC_Analyzer(“NFS”, conn, new NFS_Interp(this))
binu@binu-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC /usr/local/bro/bin $ sudo ./bro -C -r /home/binu/Downloads/nfsv3.pcap /home/binu/nfs.bro
[id=[orig_h=, orig_p=1022/udp, resp_h=, resp_p=2049/udp], orig=[size=128, state=1, num_pkts=1, num_bytes_ip=156, flow_label=0, l2_addr=00:c0:95:e0:19:be], resp=[size=112, state=1, num_pkts=0, num_bytes_ip=0, flow_label=0, l2_addr=00:c0:95:f8:4d:d3], start_time=944207397.4, duration=0.0, service={
}, history=Dd, uid=CcWDYV1vmfWIGfA3j7, tunnel=, vlan=, inner_vlan=, dpd=, conn=, extract_orig=F, extract_resp=F, thresholds=, dce_rpc=, dce_rpc_state=, dce_rpc_backing=, dhcp=, dnp3=, dns=, dns_state=, ftp=, ftp_data_reuse=F, ssl=, http=, http_state=, irc=, krb=, modbus=, mysql=, ntlm=, radius=, rdp=, rfb=, sip=, sip_state=, snmp=, smtp=, smtp_state=, socks=, ssh=, syslog=]
944207397.400000 internal error: bad reference count [2]