(no subject)

I’m a new user to Linux, I’m using Ubuntu 8.0.4 with its KDE
I have this tow questions:
do you know how I can share the logs folder in Bro to read its files from
a program in windows??

can this Bro IDS give me the connections in a XML so I can get it from share to use it by
my C# programm??

I will be very grateful if you helped me,
Thanks in advance to your help,

do you know how I can share the logs folder in Bro to read its files from
a program in windows??

That question is pretty much out of scope for this list, since it's really
about interfacing Linux to Windows, rather than about Bro.

can this Bro IDS give me the connections in a XML so I can get it from share to use it by
my C# programm??

Such a capability would definitely be useful, but is not currently supported.
You could however write a wrapper that reads Bro's ASCII connection log
entries and recodes them as XML - that should be fairly straight-forward
to implement.
