Persistent Connections


I am attempting to use BRO to decode back-end SOAP interactions. I have a script to assemble the HTTP bodies, and I am able to log SOAP elements from the HTTP body events. My problem is that the back-end uses persistent connections, and I end up missing transactions whenever I re-start BRO. The decoder is never triggered because the connection already exists.

I’m uninterested in the TCP handshake, I just need to capture the HTTP protocol to a specific back-end server-address and port.

##! This script reassembles full HTTP bodies and raises an event with the


##! complete contents.

module HTTP;

export {

Flag that indicates whether to hook request bodies.

const hook_request_bodies = T &redef;

Flag that indicates whether to hook reply bodies.

const hook_reply_bodies = T &redef;

The pattern applies

const hook_host_pattern = /.*/ &redef;

Do not buffer more than this amount of bytes per HTTP message.

##const max_body_size = 50000000;

const max_body_size = 500000;


Users write a handler for this event to process the current HTTP body.

global http_body: event(c: connection, is_orig: bool,

data: string, size: count);

type body_info: record {

data: string;

size: count;


global bodies: table[string, bool] of body_info;

function notify_and_remove_body(c: connection, is_orig: bool)


local info = bodies[c$uid, is_orig];

event http_body(c, is_orig, info$data, info$size);

delete bodies[c$uid, is_orig];


event http_begin_entity(c: connection, is_orig: bool)


if ( (is_orig && ! hook_request_bodies) ||

(! is_orig && ! hook_reply_bodies) )


if ( hook_host_pattern !in c$http$host )


local info: body_info;

info$data = “”;

info$size = 0;

bodies[c$uid, is_orig] = info;

FIXME: Type inference should work here, but it doesn’t.

#bodies[c$uid, is_orig] = [“”, 0];


event http_entity_data(c: connection, is_orig: bool, length: count,

data: string)


if ( [c$uid, is_orig] !in bodies )


local info = bodies[c$uid, is_orig];

info$data += data;

info$size += length;

if ( info$size < max_body_size )


notify_and_remove_body(c, is_orig);


event http_end_entity(c: connection, is_orig: bool)


if ( [c$uid, is_orig] !in bodies )


notify_and_remove_body(c, is_orig);


Marc Giannoni