So that tells me that bro is reading the GRE encapsulated IP header, which is neat. do I tell bro to NOT read the GRE encapsulated IP header and read the original IP header? I also tried matching on GRE header proper as a payload of /\x00\x00\x08\x00/:
I don't recall anyone ever asking about vxlan before. I think it's a pretty trivial protocol to decode - look for udp 4789, skip 8 bytes, see if you have what looks like an ethernet frame.
The main issue with that and things like fabric path is the encapsulation into a limited number of outer l3 headers can cause flow hashing to be useless making it hard to load balance the traffic.
But that just matches on it, which I think was the original tickets intent but I missed that. I’m interested in processing the inner packet/frame - I thought your initial comments were just your first step towards decap. I’m looking to decap and process the inner frame. Regardless, sorry, don’t mean to hijack.
From time to time people want to attach analyzers at layer 2, which
isn't possible at the moment. Maybe once this part of Bro sees an
update, signatures and custom decapsulation analyzers can be integrated.
But that's a question for the devs.