Save the Date: Bro Workshop Europe (@KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 18th & 19th)

Dear Bro Community,

We are excited to announce the first Bro Workshop in Europe (which
simultaneously is the first official Bro event outside of the USA).

The workshop will be held at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in
Karlsruhe, Germany on Tuesday September 18th and Wednesday September 19th. The
workshop is a one-day event split in two half-days to allow easy traveling for
participants in Europe: the program will start at noon/the early afternoon on
Tuesday and end after lunch on Wednesday.

The workshop aims to bring together the Bro user community in Europe for which
traveling to the US-based events has often been difficult. This will be a
smaller, more informal event; we expect 30 to 50 attendees.

Registration will open within the next week. We will send another email once this
happens. The program will feature a mixture of external talks and talks of the
Bro development team; several members of the team will attend the workshop.

If you are interested in giving a talk at the Workshop, please send an email to

We thank the Decentralized Systems and Network Services Research Group for
hosting us at KIT and extend special thanks to Jan Grashöfer who has put a lot
of work into making this possible.
