Subject: Drop packet by signature event

I have a configuration of FreeBSD with Zeek, my goal is to analyze network traffic on one network interface and block (IPS) the packet to the other interface, if this falls within my list of signatures that I have defined in my signatures.sig.

I have searched far and wide for a solution, but I have not come up with feasible solutions for this purpose (since Zeek was not born as IPS, as snort and suricata), do you have any advice?

Zeek 3.0.3
FreeBSD 11
bro-netmap installed

Thanks very much

feasible solutions for this purpose (since Zeek was not born as IPS, as
snort and suricata), do you have any advice?

Umm, zeek's been doing IPS before snort or surcata were born :wink:

I am not sure of specifics on your end (ie how you want to implement it) but You
should look at netcontrol-framework and ACLD
(Index of /downloads/acld) in case you want to expand and work with
cisco/juniper routers.
