surgical file extraction

Good day all,

I am new to creating custom bro scripts, so please bear with me.

I am looking to perform file extraction only on HTTP conversations to either a specific URL or destination IP address. I have some command and control traffic POST traffic that I want to capture with bro, as opposed to what I am using now. I am currently having to run TCPDumps on my sensors for traffic destined to a specific IP, then manually cut out the POST requests, redo the pcap, then run it through bro… tedious.

Here is what I have, but cant get it to work (mainly due to a lack of bro script knowledge):

global mime_to_ext: table[string] of string = {

[“text/plain”] = “txt”,

[“text/html”] = “html”,


Event file_sniff(f: fa_file, meta: fa_metadata)


if ( f$source != “HTTP” )


if ( meta$rx_hosts != “” )


if ( ! meta?$mime_type )


if ( meta$mime_type !in mime_to_ext )


local fname = fmt("%s-%s.%s", f$source, f$id, mime_to_ext[meta$mime_type]);

print fmt(“Extracting file %s”, fname);

Files::add_analyzer(f, Files::ANALYZER_EXTRACT, [$extract_filename=fname]);


I get the warning that the meta$rx_hosts isn’t valid. I have tried a “redef record” statement, but it made it much worse. Am I even in the ballpark here? I wasnt sure if I needed to use some other means to identify the URL, then start file extraction.

Appreciate any help.

You’re close! The field rx_hosts doesn’t exist in the meta record. If you want to get the destination IP, then you can do something similar to the first example on this page:

In your event, you’d do something like this …

for ( cid in f$conns )
if ( f$conns[cid]$id$resp_h == )
print “found IP”;

This should get you started:



That worked great. Thanks a ton for the help. Any idea why when I load my new file extraction script, that I verified works great on standalone packet captures, I get the below error:

error in /usr/local/bro/share/bro/policy/frameworks/control/controllee.bro, line 15: syntax error, at or near “module”

I validated that if I comment out my @load line for the new file extraction script this error goes away in a “broctl check” check.

You may be missing a semi-colon somewhere near the end of your script. Bro’s error reporting will accidentally report the problem on the first line of the next script in this case on accident.



Thanks, but I have pulled up quite a few other examples and dont see where I am missing a semi-colon. I am wondering if its because I am running 32+ worker nodes and the script isnt built correctly to utilize the clustering (shot in the dark). Here is my script as I have it now. I was thinking I may want to move it to use a URL instead of the IP, especially if I start finding CnC comms to load balancer sites:

global mime_to_ext: table[string] of string = {
[“text/plain”] = “txt”,
[“text/html”] = “html”,
event file_sniff(f: fa_file, meta: fa_metadata)
for ( cid in f$conns )
if ( f$conns[cid]$id$resp_h != )

if ( f$source != “HTTP” )

if ( ! meta?$mime_type )

if ( meta$mime_type !in mime_to_ext )

local fname = fmt("%s-%s.%s", f$source, f$id, mime_to_ext[meta$mime_type]);
print fmt(“Extracting file %s”, fname);
Files::add_analyzer(f, Files::ANALYZER_EXTRACT, [$extract_filename=fname]);


It may be the extraneous “,” at the end of your mime_to_ext table.


You are missing a right curly brace at the end. If you go through and clean up your indentation it should quickly become clear what’s missing. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I think it was that missing closing bracket. I was stuck with using “vi” on one box, but once I opened it with “vim” it was clear. Taking the comma out in the table was just good practice, so thanks for that guys. I ran a check, and deployed it. Now I will have to monitor my test box to see what kind of performance hit this makes.

Really appreciate the help. I am trying to show the benefits of using Bro in my work environment, and this is a huge win if I can get it working well.