It's been a couple weeks since I had a problem, so now I've got two.
1) hex-string to addr type conversion
I've got a udp packet that contains an IP address in the packet
contents[*]. I can easily grab it with sub_bytes() and end up with a
string like "\x8d\x8e\xde!" [**]. I'd like to convert that to an addr so I can do comparisons easily. After looking though the *.bif.bro files for conversion functions I'm stuck. There's to_addr(), but the string would need to actually be the IP address and not a hex representation.
2) table of set initialization (curiosity)
I have something like this that works:
global myset: set[addr] = {};
global mytable: table[string] of set[addr] = {
["blaa"] = myset,
When I try to combine that into one it breaks:
global mytable: table[string] of set[addr] = {
["blaa"] =,
bad tag in Val::CONVERTER (addr/table)
I read somewhere that 'bad tag' is an internal error and I should never see it. I saw it.
[*] -- It's a klog request for afs-kaserver3 through kaforwarder and
fakeka. So the originating requester's IP is stored in the epoch time
field of the RX packet. Whee!
I've got a udp packet that contains an IP address in the packet
Hmmm... can't think of any other way than adding a new built-in
ffunction specifically for this.
global myset: set[addr] = {};
global mytable: table[string] of set[addr] = {
["blaa"] = myset,
Yeah, unfortunately this is the way to do it. Clumsy, but we don't
have set constructors at the moment.
["blaa"] =,
The problem is here that you're initialiazing a set[addr] with just
an addr (rather than a set of addrs). The natural way would be:
["blaa"] = { }
But that is not supported.
I read somewhere that 'bad tag' is an internal error and I should never
see it.
That's true, at least in theory. In practice, there are a couple
of places where this can happen when types don't match. Not nice but
hasn't been a high priority so far to fix.
I've got a udp packet that contains an IP address in the packet
Hmmm... can't think of any other way than adding a new built-in
ffunction specifically for this.
I think this is as simple as adding to bro.bif:
function hex_to_addr%(str: string%): addr
int a,b,c,d;
int r;
r = sscanf(str->CheckString(), "%x.%x.%x.%x", &a, &b, &c, &d);
if ( r != 4 )
run_time("hex addr not parseable");
return new AddrVal(dotted_to_addr(fmt("%d.%d.%d.%d", a,b,c,d)));
You may need to tweak the format, eg, for the \x format, to something
like "\\x%x\\x%x\\x%x\\x%x".