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“Updated the agenda”### Reoccurring Zeek Community Call
Fri Jun 5, 2020 3pm – 3:45pm Eastern Time - New York
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(Guest list has been hidden at organizer’s request)
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Changed: AGENDA
* Package Contest Participation Feedback (Survey to follow)Please think about what would motivate you to participate, what kept youfrom participating if you wanted, what you'd like to see going forward.* Zeek Calls/Webinars - Names, Frequency (Survey to follow)Please think about the following - Do we need to make it clearer thedifference in the calls? Do we need to have more calls? Less calls? Whatother calls (if any would you like us to facilitate?) If you areparticipating in the calls now, can you share what your like/dislike aboutthe calls? If you haven't participated yet, can you share what keeps youfrom it? Timezone, topic, platform etc.* Changing Zeek Project Governance (Survey to follow)Members of the Zeek LT will be presenting on this topic: Where we are todayand what the future changes and opportunities will be. Documentation willbe shared with the community in the call notes.Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback and we lookforward to hearing from you on Friday.
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