vulnerable.bro error on check, Was RE: Myricom and Bro

fatal error in /opt/bro/share/bro/policy/frameworks/software/vulnerable.bro, line 41: BroType::AsRecordType (table/record) (set[record { min:record { major:count; minor:count; minor2:count; minor3:count; addl:string; }; max:record { major:count; minor:count; minor2:count; minor3:count; addl:string; }; }])

Not trying to hijack the thread, but ditto for me on the above message. I just updated to git master today after running an old version for a long time. Commenting out f/s/vulnerable in local.bro bypasses error.

Is it safe to assume accounts didn't get ported over to the new Tracker?


Is it safe to assume accounts didn't get ported over to the new Tracker?

Accounts existing before July 17th should be ported, but all must perform a password reset.

- Jon