why x509_extensions event never called?

Hi all,
I’m analyzing X509 certificates with extensions, I defined a handler for x509_extensions event, but it is never called!!! Why doesn’t it work?

event x509_extension(c: connection, is_orig: bool, data: string)

That looks correct. You're going to have to give us more information and ideally a trace file. Also, consider that if you aren't seeing certificates that have extensions you won't see this event fire.


Hi Seth,
thanks for reply, but there is no more information to give you. I just visited the site www.paypal.com and all SSL events (ssl_client_hello, ssl_server_hello, ssl_established, x509_certificate) are fired except x509_extension. I cannot understand why, but the Paypal’s certificate contains many extensions.

module MYMODULE;

export {

event bro_init() {



event ssl_client_hello(c: connection, version: count, possible_ts: time, client_random: string, session_id: string, ciphers: index_vec)



event ssl_server_hello(c: connection, version: count, possible_ts: time, server_random: string, session_id: string, cipher: count, comp_method: count)



event ssl_established(c: connection)



event x509_extension(c: connection, is_orig: bool, is_critical: bool, name: string, value: string)
print “THERE’S AN EXTENSION!”; # no fire

event x509_certificate(c: connection , is_orig: bool , cert: X509 , chain_idx: count , chain_len: count , der_cert: string )




Sorry, this one is our fault. At the moment, the x509_extension event never fires due to
a bug in the SSL analyzer.

I have this fixed in a branch — however the fix never made it back into the Bro master
(because the branch also changes a number of other things about x509 certificate
handling; some of them are not quite working yet).

I will backport that little part and post a patch in a bit.


Hello Jessica,

a patch for the x509_extension event is in the topic/johanna/fix-x509-extensions git branch.

The event syntax slightly changed - using

event x509_extension(c: connection, is_orig: bool, cert:X509, extension: X509_extension_info)
  print extension;

should work now.


Thank you so much Johanna :slight_smile:
