Hi, I am trying to process 10Gbps rate. For that i have created 70workers. i can see that after 30mins zeek workers are consuming 500GB RAM. I dont understand why ??
Please suggest.
@Vijay - welcome!
70 workers might be a bit too much for 10Gbps, but memory usage should not approach 500GB for all workers.
Can you confirm that you’re using AF_PACKET or PF_RING for load balancing purposes? If not, it might be that all workers are seeing the same traffic.
Thanks awelzel for replying, i am not using AF_Packet or PF_Ring. Here i am using Napatech 10G smart NIC card which itself is load balancing the traffic. I can see it in profiling tool of napatech and also in zeekctl netstats output.
Thanks for the info about using Napatech. One cross-check would be to look into conn.log
and see if you have multiple entries for the same five-tuple (or same community-id) during some time period. If there are duplicates, possibly all workers are seeing the same traffic. If there are no duplicates, should be okay.
There have been a recent reports around DNS lookups causing memory growth.
- Fix check for emailed notices by JustinAzoff · Pull Request #3269 · zeek/zeek · GitHub
- DNS_Mgr: Fixes around timeouts and IO loop behavior by awelzel · Pull Request #3273 · zeek/zeek · GitHub
This will be fixed in 6.0.1, but you could try commenting out the following lines in local.zeek and see if it significantly improves memory behavior on your end:
@load policy/frameworks/notice/extend-email/hostnames
@load frameworks/files/detect-MHR
Otherwise, if you’re comfortable, memory profiling with jeprof may show what’s going on: Jemalloc Memory Profiling.
Please share which Zeek version you’re running. Also, is memory growth steady or suddenly spikes up? If you monitor using Prometheus node_exporter
or process_exporter
, could you share graphs?