To collect where we are, here's what I believe we want to have in 2.2:
- Measurement framework (mostly done; Seth)
- With Bloom filters and Hyperloglog? (state?; Soumya/Johanna/Seth)
- File analysis framework (mostly done; Jon)
- With Windows executable analyzer (state?; Seth)
- Sqlite/Postgresql readers/writers (mostly done?; Johanna)
- BroControl test-suite (state?; Daniel)
- Fix for BroControl's log archival, #970 (state?; Daniel)
- Internal analyzer reorg (partially done; Robin)
- Thread state cleanup (done, needs testing with input framework; Robin/Johanna)
- DNP3 (mostly done; Hui)
- DHCP (state?; Vlad)
- Input framework extensions for exec module (mostly done; Johanna/Seth)
- Documentation (can wait for beta period)
- Scripting guide (whatever is ready; Scott)
- Remaining parts from old Wiki (Daniel)
- Overall cleanup
How does that look? Anything else in terms of larger tasks (there are
plenty smaller items in tickets of course, though we'll probably end
up bumping quite a few again).