Planing for a 2.2 beta

This is what I have on my list as remaining for a 2.2 beta:

    - Fix sumstats framework (Seth; or is it done already now?)
    - HyperLogLog (Johanna)
    - DHCP script cleanup (Seth/Vlad; see BIT-1050)
    - DNP3 finalizing (Robin, Hui)
    - Windows executable analyzer (Seth; going to happen?)
    - SIP analyzer (Vlad; going to happen?)
    - Bloomfilter test failures (Matthias)
    - Input framework test failures (Johanna)
    - X509 extensions (going to happen? can somebody remind we what this is about?)

Anything I'm missing? I'd like put a feature freeze in place.

Can we aim to have this all in by the end of this week? Then we could
target a 2.2 beta by the end of next.


   - Fix sumstats framework (Seth; or is it done already now?)

Not done yet. It's broken on clusters at the moment, but I'm trying to get it done this week.

   - Windows executable analyzer (Seth; going to happen?)

Yes, I hope so. I'll have some stuff out on this soon.

Can we aim to have this all in by the end of this week? Then we could
target a 2.2 beta by the end of next.

I'll try my best on my stuff. :slight_smile:


   - Input framework test failures (Johanna)

I've also started looking in to the executestdin one which is still showing some real problems and was planning to look at others too.

Anything I'm missing?

I want to add something to the file extraction analyzer to make it easier to impose limits. Should just be a minor change to do.

- Jon

Let me update this:

    - Fix sumstats framework (Seth; or is it done already now?)

Done I believe.

    - HyperLogLog (Johanna)

Waiting for Johanna but I believe it's now ready for merging as the
memory leak was likely related to the when problem.

    - DHCP script cleanup (Seth/Vlad; see BIT-1050)


    - DNP3 finalizing (Robin, Hui)

Done, except that one unit tests fails on some platform.

    - Windows executable analyzer (Seth; going to happen?)


    - SIP analyzer (Vlad; going to happen?)


    - Bloomfilter test failures (Matthias)


    - Input framework test failures (Johanna)


    - X509 extensions (going to happen? can somebody remind we what this is about?)

We'll skip these.

Plus potentially the packet-filter.log fix.

Anything else?


I would like two relatively small changes that will result in some massive headache in test baseline updates. Sorry I hadn't been pushing on this harder until now.

Could we do the ticket that moves uid values to 92 to 96 bits? I forget what we agreed on. Also, I'd like to see uid values prepended with either 'F' or 'C' for file uids and connection uids. It would help me keep them straight in mind, especially with the designator being part of the uid.


Yeah, sorry about that. Getting SumStats working again was a big priority for CMU, so I've been focusing on that. I hope to work on those this weekend.


No worries, sumstats clearly had priority, just wanted to update the
list. :slight_smile:


Yeah, both make sense. Any volunteers to take the lead on
implemtentation and baseline updates?
