Ask The Zeeksperts - Reminders and Ideas

Hi all,

Thank you to everyone who “drops by” the Ask The Zeeksperts calls and just joins the conversation by bringing your questions. It’s great to collaborate and hear your questions!

===Reminder Webinar today===

We have another Ask The Zeeksperts call today at 3:30pm Eastern/12:30pm Pacific as well. If you’d like to join here is the registration link:

Feel free to send over your questions in advance. You can also drop them into the #webinar channel on slack.

===Ask The Zeeksperts Topics/Ideas Wanted ===

While the idea of these webinars was for users to be able to have a place/time with “office hours” to bring your Zeek related questions too, we also been asked to theme these from time to time.

What topics/themes would you like to see us base these Q&A bi weekly sessions on?

Also, is there a specific Zeek related topic that you’re comfortable with people asking you questions about?

Please let me know and I’d be happy to get you scheduled.

Thanks again everyone! Let me know if you have any questions.

With gratitude,