Blacklist DNS alerting

Hello all,

I recently spun up my first Bro instance and I'm trying to find the most
elegant way to alert any time there is a query for a particular set of
malicious domains (ex. .

Would this be best accomplished with a signature? Would I be better off
writing a hook for Bro's core DNS script?

Any input will be greatly appreciated,


Hash: SHA1

Hello all,

I recently spun up my first Bro instance and I'm trying to find the most
elegant way to alert any time there is a query for a particular set of
malicious domains (ex. .

Would this be best accomplished with a signature? Would I be better off
writing a hook for Bro's core DNS script?

Any input will be greatly appreciated,

I do it with a simple hook based on the 1.5.x DNS code. I then use a
perl script to parse a list of domains into a data structure this can
use. Lines in the output of that script look like this:

redef DNS::hostile_domain_list += { "",

And the bro hook code looks like this:

module DNS;

export {
const hostile_domain_list: set[string] &redef;
const okay_to_lookup_hostile_domains: set[addr] &redef;

redef okay_to_lookup_hostile_domains = {,, };

redef enum Notice::Type += {

function second_level_domain(name: string): string
        local split_on_dots = split(name, /\./);
        local num_dots = length(split_on_dots);

        if ( num_dots <= 1 )
                return name;

        return fmt("%s.%s", split_on_dots[num_dots-1],

event dns_request(c: connection, msg: dns_msg, query: string, qtype:
count, qcla
ss: count) &priority=0
        if (c$id$orig_h !in okay_to_lookup_hostile_domains)
                if (second_level_domain(query) in hostile_domain_list)
                        local message=fmt("Test: Malware domain %s",query);
