Hello, running bro version 2.5 on CentOS 7.
Our bro is old, working on getting it upgraded.
Is there a way – documentation would be good – to filter dns domains out using bro configs?
We see this:
const no_ref_bl = /“api.viglink.com”/ |/“app.huvle.com”/ |
/".youdao.com"/ |
/“log.getdropbox.com”/ |
/“api.lytics.io”/ |
/“eohlan0”/ |
/".sogou.com"/ |
/".ge.com"/ |
/“stats.pandora.com”/ |
/“slotbonanza.com”/ |
/“a.foxsports.com”/ |
/“www.geroutes.com”/ |
/3.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}/ |
Is it as simple as adding a line like /“microsoft.com”/ | below, say, /“a.foxsports.com”/ | ?
Many thanks, bro/zeek team.