=== STDERR ===
====================| Spicy-side Zeek Installation Summary |====================
Found Zeek: yes
Version: 6.0.0 (60000)
Prefix: /usr/local/zeek
Build type: relwithdebinfo
====================| Spicy Installation Summary |====================
Found Spicy: yes
Version: 1.9.0-dev.157 (d26c81c0) (10900)
Prefix: /mnt/zeek/broker
Build type: release
Have toolchain: yes
Spicy compiler: /mnt/zeek/broker/bin/spicyc
[error] /mnt/zeek/broker/var/lib/zkg/testing/zeek-iec104/clones/zeek-iec104/analyzer/iec104.spicy:743:5: cannot coerce expression ‘(0, asdu.info_obj_addr, asdu.siq)’ of type ‘tuple<uint<64>, uint<64>, bitfield(8) { spi: 0; bl: 4; sb: 5; nt: 6; iv: 7; }>’ to type ‘tuple<uint<64>, uint<64>, tuple<spi: uint<8>, bl: uint<8>, sb: uint<8>, nt: uint<8>, iv: uint<8>>>’
[error] /mnt/zeek/broker/var/lib/zkg/testing/zeek-iec104/clones/zeek-iec104/analyzer/iec104.spicy:747:5: cannot coerce expression ‘(0, asdu.info_obj_addr, asdu.sco)’ of type ‘tuple<uint<64>, uint<64>, bitfield(8) { sco_on: 0; qu: 2…6; se: 7; }>’ to type ‘tuple<uint<64>, uint<64>, tuple<sco_on: uint<8>, qu: uint<8>, se: uint<8>>>’
Any idea how to fix this issue? It was not coming in earlier spicy versions.