Cannot determine Bro source directory, use --bro-dist=DIR.

Hi, I’ve been trying to install this plugin and it seems to have some issues or confusion between bro and zeek for that plugin.
Anyone encountered this issue?

~]# zkg install apache/metron-bro-plugin-kafka
The following packages will be INSTALLED:
zeek/apache/metron-bro-plugin-kafka (0.3)

Verify the following REQUIRED external dependencies:
(Ensure their installation on all relevant systems before proceeding):
from zeek/apache/metron-bro-plugin-kafka (0.3):
librdkafka ~0.11.5

Proceed? [Y/n]
zeek/apache/metron-bro-plugin-kafka asks for LIBRDKAFKA_ROOT (Path to librdkafka installation tree) ? [/usr/local/lib]
Saved answers to config file: /root/.zkg/config
Running unit tests for “zeek/apache/metron-bro-plugin-kafka”
error: failed to run tests for zeek/apache/metron-bro-plugin-kafka: package build_command failed, see log in /root/.zkg/logs/metron-bro-plugin-kafka-build.log
Proceed to install anyway? [N/y]

~]# cat /root/.zkg/logs/metron-bro-plugin-kafka-build.log
=== STDERR ===
=== STDOUT ===
Cannot determine Bro source directory, use --bro-dist=DIR.

Hello zeek community,
Could anyone please help me solve this issue?
I’m not able to move forward…

Thanks very much!

I’ve not attempted to install that plugin but looking at the github for it,, it has this statement “bro-pkg is the preferred mechanism for installing this plugin, as it will dynamically retrieve, build, test, and load the plugin.” That leads me to the zkg config file documentation at

# The directory containing Zeek distribution source code.  This is only
# needed when installing packages that contain Zeek plugins that are
# not pre-built.  The legacy name of this option is "bro_dist".
zeek_dist =