Disable some type of "alerts" for internal servers

Hi all,

  I am receiving a lot alerts like this:

  Bro SSL::Invalid_Server_Cert. (Unknown):3040 -> (Unknown):1610

  which it is correct: we are using a lot of certs auto-signed in our infrastructure.

  Is it possible to disable this type of alert for an IP or a group of IP's?


A script like this may do what you want:

const invalid_ssl_whitelist: set[addr] = {
    # Add IPs here
} &redef;

hook Notice::policy(n: Notice::Info)
    if ( n$note == SSL::Invalid_Server_Cert &&
         n$conn$id$resp_h in invalid_ssl_whitelist )
        # Clear all actions for this notice.
        n$actions = Notice::ActionSet();

You can probably also add logic to filter only if the reason it’s invalid is due to self-signing (e.g. as opposed to expired) by inspecting n$msg.

Some related docs to reference:


- Jon

Many thanks Jon,

  But I am doing something wrong. When I launch "bro check", I receive the following error:

bro scripts failed.
    error in /data/config/etc/bro/policy/custom.bro, line 24: unknown identifier SSL::Invalid_Server_Cert, at or near "SSL::Invalid_Server_Cert"


# Disable SSL::Invalid_Server_Cert alert for internal hosts
const invalid_ssl_whitelist: set[addr] = {
} &redef;

hook Notice::policy(n: Notice::Info)
         if ( n$note == SSL::Invalid_Server_Cert &&
                 n$conn$id$resp_h in invalid_ssl_whitelist )
                 # Clear all actions for this notice.
                 n$actions = Notice::ActionSet();

# This script logs which scripts were loaded during each run.
@load misc/loaded-scripts

Ok, problem solved. Forget it. Sorry for this last post.